Our Partners

Covenant Mission Seminary

Located in Phnom Phenh, Cambodia, Covenant Mission Seminary exists to glorify the triune God, by training God’s people to grow in the grace of God & to equip them for the Christian ministry in Cambodia & around the world. We are partnering with CMS & Rev. Roger Kim as we teach online courses & collaborate together to develop scalable courses & programs to meet the growing needs of theological education in Asia. Looking for formal theological education for ministry, CMS is offering BA, MAR, Mdiv, & ThM programs. Contact us or click on the pic to visit their website for more information.

Cruciform Life Church

Located in Metro Manila Philippines, Cruciform Life church is a reformed, gospel-centered church & network. They are reaching the Central Luzon Region with the Gospel of Christ. They believe that the entire life of the believer must be shaped and conformed to the cross of Christ. Check them out on Social Media. We are partnering with Ptr. Enteng Ramoneda & Cruciform Life Church in equipping, mobilizing, & sending church members, leaders, & planters in the Philippines. Looking to join a solid, local, Christ-centered church or do you want to be further equipped in a local context via one of our Cloud cohorts, contact us for more information. Click on the pic to find out more information about Cruciform Life Church.

Please consider partnering with us

We cannot do this alone. The great commission calls us to join together as one body to reach the nations with the gospel. If you are committed to the great commission & agree with our methodology & values will you consider partnering with us? Click on the button for more information on the ways in which you can partner with us.