Our Vision

We exist to re-imagine theological education, resource development & networking, the same grand old story in a global, digital, social media context for the joy of the church & the glory of Christ.

Our Mission

Our mission is to equip pastors, church leaders, & members of all ages, especially in a global context, who want to grow deeper in their faith but lack the ability &/or educational background to pursue traditional theological education, through the means of cloud-based visual & audio technology, in the Biblical, Christian, historical, & Evangelical tradition with the outcomes of the advance of the gospel, the growth of the church & the strengthening of the family for the goal of God’s glory & lordship over all things & our joy.

Challenges to Equipping Global Indigenous Pastors, Church Planters, & Lay Leaders

Visit our About Page or watch these videos 👇 to find out more about these challenges & our proposed ongoing solutions.

Who we are

Educational Background

Tim Spears

  • B. S. - Mechanical Engineering, Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL, 2007

  • M. Div. - Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, Lansdale, PA, 2013

  • Th. M. - NT Interpretation - Thesis: The Structure of Matthew’s Gospel & the Kingdom of Heaven: A Text-Linguistic Analysis of the Gospel of Matthew with Special Reference to the Macro-Structure: A Test Case: Matthew 1:1–4:25 - A Westminster Theological Seminary, Glenside, PA, 2015

Bethany Spears

  • B. S. - History, Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL, 2008

  • M. S. - History Education, Pensacola Christian College, FL, 2010

  • M. A. R. - Cairn University, PA, 2018

Ministry History

  • Pastoral Intern at Calvary Baptist Church - Pottstown, PA USA (2009–2012)

  • Pastoral Intern at River Crossing Community Church - Spring City, PA USA (2012–2014)

  • Resident Assistant at Liberty Prison Ministries - Schwenksville, PA USA (2013–2015)

  • Proctor at the Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) - Schwenksville, PA USA (2013–2015)

  • Ordained Minister of the Gospel & Sent Missionary by International Christian Fellowship (2014–2022)

  • Short Term Missionary with Serge (2014–2017)

  • NT Professor at Presbyterian Theological Seminary - Dasmariñas City, Cavite Philippines (2016–2017)

  • NT Adjunct Professor & Curriculum Developer at BST Grace College - Naga City, Camariñas Sur Philippines (2016–2017)

  • Local church ministry with Jesus the Only Redeemer World Mission Church

  • Missionary with Converge International Ministries (2018–2024)

  • Founder, Teacher, & Content Creator at Cloud Theological Institute (2020–Present)

  • NT Adjunct Professor at Cebu Graduate School of Theology - Cebu, Cebu Philippines (2020–2021)

  • Adjunct Professor at Covenant Mission Seminary - Phnom Penh, Cambodia (2023–Present)

  • NT Adjunct Faculty at Lancaster Bible College & Capital Seminary & Graduate School - Lancaster, PA USA (2023–Present)

  • Ordained Minister - Evangelical Church Alliance (2024–Present)

“Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead, with the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people.”

Revelation 14:6

Current Ministry Projects

Current Ministry Partners

  • 1 Live Weekly Workshop in the Philippines (Average 10 participants weekly coming from Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Leyte, Samar, Batangas, & Metro Manila areas)

  • 1 Course per semester live in Cambodia (18 students from across Southeast Asia ~ Students from Cambodia, Vietnam, Peru, USA, & Kenya)

  • Building automated courses ongoing (NT Survey, Hermeneutics, Christology, Soteriology, Interpreting the Westminster Shorter Catechism, & Covenant Theology)


Partner with us

Partner with us, as we equip the next generation of global pastors, church planters & lay leaders

“Look among the nations, and see;

wonder and be astounded.

For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.”

— Habakkuk 1:5


Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

How are you funded?

CTI is supported by Individuals & churches who give to us through special or regular gifts (monthly, quarterly, or annually).

Who manages the financial gifts?

CTI has a board of five members who will exercise oversight of the budget, donations, & expenses. Financial accountability is our top priority. We have budgeted funding for an independent CPA to review our financial records annually to ensure financial accountability. Our long-term plan is to become ECFA accredited.

What percentage of my gift goes to your work?

If you donate to CTI , 100% of your giving will go towards the equipping of global students, pastors, church planters, & lay leaders.

What type of expenses do my gift supports at CTI?

Expenses include cloud services, hardware maintenance & purchasing, website services, collaboration software, graphic design software, communication services, mission trips, student resources, financial, administrative & graphic design services, & more. All gifts directly go towards costs related to teaching & equipping students in the digital, social media space.

Will the Spears take a salary from CTI when it is incorporated?

No. The Spears will donate their time and personal finances to help support & further CTI’s vision & mission.

How much time will the Spears spend serving in CTI?

The Spears view CTI as their primary ministry. They are stepping away from other regular church responsibilities so that they can commit their time outside of Tim’s full time work to build & to teach in CTI. He is committing 5-10 hrs per week towards CTI.

Will you still travel?

Yes. Tim’s plan is to travel once a year to visit our students & partners in the Philippines, Cambodia & possibly India ~ if the Lord permits. During that trip, we plan on conducting one short conference per location.

When do I start giving?

Now. We want to be fully funded by the end of 2025.

Can I request more financial information?

Yes, if you are considering partnering with us, please request a copy of our annual budget. We will also provide an annual report to our partners so that you can see the impact of your partnership.

What donor platforms are you using to receive my donations?

We will be using Patreon ( Patreon ) for regular donations & Stripe ( Stripe ) for special one-time donations. Both are safe & secure with a non-profit organization option. Once we are officially a 501c3, we also plan on accepting donations through EFT. We can also take traditional checks if you prefer to give via check by mail.

What are your 2025 goals?

Complete two courses in both the Philippines & Cambodia. Upload 6 fully automated courses on our website. Visit our Asian students & partners.