Introduction to Isaiah: Salvation of the LORD
Isaiah literally means: salvation of Yahweh or salvation of the Lord. The Book of Isaiah, written by the prophet Isaiah, proclaims God's holiness, justice, and mercy. It addresses Judah’s sin and impending judgment while offering hope through salvation. Central themes include God’s sovereignty, the promise of a Messiah, and the ultimate restoration of His people, emphasizing repentance, redemption, and future glory.
Author: The Book of Isaiah is written by the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, who served as a prophet in Judah during the reigns of Kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.
Unity of Authorship: Isaiah is seen as the single inspired author of the entire book, guided by the Holy Spirit. Apparent shifts in tone and focus reflect different phases of Isaiah’s ministry and prophetic insight into future events.
Date of the Book
Prophetic Ministry: Isaiah’s ministry is dated to approximately 740–680 BC, during a time of great political and spiritual upheaval in Judah.
Prophecies of Future Events: Isaiah also foretells events centuries ahead of his time, including the Babylonian exile, the rise of Cyrus the Great, and the coming of the Messiah.
Purpose of the Book
Call to Repentance: Isaiah warns Judah of God’s judgment for their rebellion, idolatry, and injustice, urging them to return to covenant faithfulness.
Assurance of Hope: Isaiah proclaims God’s ultimate plan of redemption, emphasizing His faithfulness to His covenant people despite their failures.
Messianic Prophecy: Central to Isaiah’s message is the promise of a coming Savior, who will establish God’s eternal kingdom and bring salvation to the world.
Revealing God’s Sovereignty: Isaiah exalts God as the Holy One of Israel, sovereign over all nations and history.
Isaiah’s Historical Context
Eighth-Century Judah: Isaiah’s ministry occurred during a turbulent period in Judah’s history, marked by threats from the expanding Assyrian Empire. He warned against trusting in political alliances, such as those with Assyria or Egypt, and called Judah to rely on God alone. Events include the Syro-Ephraimite War (734–732 BCE) and the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem under King Hezekiah.
Future Babylonian Exile: Isaiah prophesied the Babylonian exile, which would occur over a century after his lifetime. This exile was presented as a consequence of Judah’s persistent sin. He also foretold the eventual restoration of God’s people and the rise of Cyrus, who would decree their return to Jerusalem.
Messianic and Eschatological Vision: Isaiah looked beyond immediate events to God’s ultimate plan of salvation through the Messiah. He described the Messiah’s suffering, atonement for sin (Isaiah 53), and reign of peace and justice (Isaiah 9, 11).
God’s Purpose & Plan
Judgment and Redemption: Isaiah highlights God’s holiness and justice in dealing with sin, as well as His mercy and grace in providing a means of salvation.
Messianic Fulfillment: Isaiah’s prophecies are central to Protestant Christian theology, pointing to Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah. Passages like Isaiah 7:14 (the virgin birth), Isaiah 9:6–7 (the divine king), and Isaiah 53 (the suffering servant) are seen as fulfilled in Jesus.
Hope for All Nations: Isaiah reveals God’s plan to extend His salvation beyond Israel to all peoples, foreshadowing the Great Commission.
How to Read Isaiah
Read Isaiah as a single narrative: Read Isaiah as a single narrative which focuses primarily on oracles or sermons to Judah & Israel throughout Isaiah’s prophetic ministry. However, there are huge historical gaps in these sermons.
Read Isaiah considering the Historical Context of Kings & Chronicles: Read parts of 1, 2 Kings, & 1, 2 Chronicles to fill in those gaps.
The period of 740–680 BC in the Bible corresponds to the time of Isaiah's ministry and includes portions of the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. These sections focus on the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel during this time. Below are the relevant parts of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles that align with this historical period:
2 Kings:
Reign of Uzziah/Azariah (Judah):
2 Kings 15:1–7: Uzziah (called Azariah in 2 Kings) reigns in Judah. He is noted as a generally good king but is struck with leprosy due to his pride.
Reign of Jotham (Judah):
2 Kings 15:32–38: Jotham, son of Uzziah, reigns in Judah. He follows in his father’s footsteps as a good king but fails to remove the high places.
Reign of Ahaz (Judah):
2 Kings 16: Ahaz reigns in Judah and is portrayed as a wicked king. He makes alliances with Assyria during the Syro-Ephraimite War and adopts pagan practices, including idol worship.
Reign of Hezekiah (Judah):
2 Kings 18–20: Hezekiah, one of Judah’s most faithful kings, reigns. He enacts religious reforms, trusts in God during the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem, and is miraculously delivered from Sennacherib’s army. His life is extended after prayer when he falls ill.
Assyrian Conquest of Israel (Northern Kingdom):
2 Kings 17: The fall of the northern kingdom of Israel to the Assyrians in 722 BC is detailed, though it overlaps with the period of Isaiah’s ministry in Judah.
2 Chronicles:
Reign of Uzziah (Judah):
2 Chronicles 26: Uzziah reigns in Judah. Chronicles expands on his accomplishments, including military victories and innovations, and describes his prideful act of entering the temple, leading to his leprosy.
Reign of Jotham (Judah):
2 Chronicles 27: Chronicles highlights Jotham’s faithful reign, his construction projects, and military successes, while noting the ongoing corruption among the people.
Reign of Ahaz (Judah):
2 Chronicles 28: Chronicles provides more detail on Ahaz’s idolatry, alliances with Assyria, and the spiritual and national decline during his reign.
Reign of Hezekiah (Judah):
2 Chronicles 29–32: Chronicles extensively covers Hezekiah’s religious reforms, including the cleansing of the temple, restoration of proper worship, and re-establishment of the Passover. It also describes his trust in God during the Assyrian invasion and his wealth and achievements.
Read Isaiah identifying near & far fulfillments of the prophecies. The near fulfillments refer to the context of ancient Israel. The far fulfillments refer to the context of Jesus, the Messiah & His people.
An Outline of Isaiah
I. Judgment and Salvation for Judah and Jerusalem (Isaiah 1–12)
Introduction: Judah’s Sin and God’s Call to Repentance (1:1–31)
Judah’s rebellion and God’s call to purification.
Promise of restoration for the repentant.
The Vision of the Last Days (2:1–5)
Prophecy of the nations coming to the Lord’s mountain.
Judgment Against Pride and Idolatry (2:6–4:1)
Condemnation of Judah’s arrogance and false reliance.
Future judgment on the proud and wicked.
The Branch of the Lord and Future Glory (4:2–6)
Promise of a purified remnant and God’s presence.
The Song of the Vineyard and Woes (5:1–30)
Israel’s unfaithfulness depicted as a vineyard.
Pronouncement of six woes on Judah.
Isaiah’s Call and Commission (6:1–13)
Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness and his prophetic calling.
Prophecies Concerning the Syro-Ephraimite War (7:1–25)
The sign of Immanuel: God with us.
The Coming Assyrian Threat (8:1–22)
Judah warned of Assyrian invasion for rejecting God’s word.
The Messianic Hope (9:1–7)
A prophecy of the coming child: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God.
Judgment on Arrogance and a Future Restoration (9:8–12:6)
Judgment against Israel’s pride.
Promise of the shoot from Jesse’s stump and the reign of the Messiah (11:1–16).
A hymn of thanksgiving (12:1–6).
II. Oracles Against the Nations (Isaiah 13–23)
Judgment on Babylon (13:1–14:23)
Babylon’s fall as a symbol of God’s sovereignty over nations.
Judgment on Assyria (14:24–27)
God’s control over the Assyrian empire.
Judgment on Philistia, Moab, and Other Nations (14:28–16:14)
Prophecies of destruction for surrounding nations.
Prophecies Against Damascus and Israel (17:1–14)
Damascus and northern Israel’s downfall.
Judgment on Ethiopia and Egypt (18:1–20:6)
Warnings to southern nations regarding their alliances.
Judgment on Edom, Arabia, and Jerusalem (21:1–22:25)
Calls for repentance within Jerusalem.
Prophecy Against Tyre (23:1–18)
The downfall of the wealthy trading city.
III. The Apocalypse of Isaiah: Judgment and Blessing (Isaiah 24–27)
The Universal Judgment (24:1–23)
God’s judgment over the whole earth.
Songs of Praise and Salvation (25:1–26:21)
Celebrations of God’s victory over death and salvation for His people.
The Restoration of Israel (27:1–13)
God’s care for His vineyard and the regathering of His people.
IV. Woes and Promises for Judah and Jerusalem (Isaiah 28–35)
Woes Against Ephraim and Jerusalem (28:1–29)
Calls to faith and warnings against disobedience.
The Folly of Trusting in Egypt (29:1–32:20)
Condemnation of alliances with Egypt.
Promises of a righteous king and future peace.
The Future Deliverance of Jerusalem (33:1–35:10)
God’s deliverance from Assyria.
The promise of a highway of holiness and eternal joy.
V. Historical Interlude: Hezekiah’s Faith and Failure (Isaiah 36–39)
Deliverance from Assyria (36:1–37:38)
Hezekiah’s trust in God during Sennacherib’s siege.
Hezekiah’s Illness and Healing (38:1–22)
Hezekiah’s prayer and God’s extension of his life.
Hezekiah’s Pride and Babylonian Envoys (39:1–8)
Hezekiah shows the Babylonians Judah’s treasures, foreshadowing exile.
VI. Comfort and Redemption for God’s People (Isaiah 40–66)
A. The Book of Comfort (Isaiah 40–48)
The Greatness of God (40:1–31)
Words of comfort and assurance of God’s sovereignty.
The Servant of the Lord and Israel’s Restoration (41:1–48:22)
Prophecies of Cyrus as God’s anointed deliverer.
Promises of redemption for Israel.
B. The Servant and the Messiah (Isaiah 49–57)
The Mission of the Servant (49:1–55:13)
The suffering servant and the call to salvation.
Key focus: Isaiah 53 (the suffering and atonement of the Messiah).
Faithfulness and Justice (56:1–57:21)
God’s call for righteousness and true worship.
C. Final Judgment and Glory (Isaiah 58–66)
True Worship and Restoration (58:1–59:21)
Calls for justice, fasting, and repentance.
The Glory of the New Zion (60:1–62:12)
The future glory of Jerusalem and God’s people.
The Day of the Lord (63:1–66:24)
Judgment on the wicked and blessings for the righteous.
A vision of the new heavens and new earth.
Visual Images in Isaiah
The Book of Isaiah is rich with vivid imagery that conveys its themes of judgment, salvation, and hope. Below are some of the major visual images:
1. The Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1–7)
Represents Israel as God’s vineyard, lovingly planted and cared for but producing wild grapes (sin and injustice).
Symbolizes divine disappointment and impending judgment.
2. The Throne Room of God (Isaiah 6:1–8)
Isaiah’s vision of God seated on a high and exalted throne, with seraphim proclaiming His holiness.
Emphasizes God’s majesty, holiness, and Isaiah’s unworthiness, leading to his commission.
3. The Stump and the Branch (Isaiah 6:13; 11:1–10)
The stump symbolizes Israel’s judgment and destruction, yet from it emerges a "shoot" and a "branch" representing the Messiah.
Reflects hope and renewal through God’s chosen Redeemer.
4. The Burning Fire (Isaiah 1:25; 4:4; 30:27–33)
Fire represents God’s purifying judgment and His wrath against sin.
It is both destructive and cleansing, emphasizing the dual nature of judgment and redemption.
5. The Light to the Nations (Isaiah 9:2; 42:6; 49:6)
Light symbolizes hope, truth, and salvation brought by the Messiah.
Represents God’s plan to extend salvation to all nations, not just Israel.
6. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13–53:12)
A poignant image of a servant who suffers, is pierced, and bears the sins of others.
Depicts the atoning work of the Messiah, bringing healing and redemption.
7. The Potter and the Clay (Isaiah 29:16; 45:9; 64:8)
God is the potter, and humanity is the clay.
Illustrates God’s sovereignty and the futility of human rebellion against His purposes.
8. Streams in the Desert (Isaiah 35:6–7; 41:18)
Deserts blossoming and water flowing symbolize restoration and the life-giving power of God’s salvation.
Reflects renewal and abundance in a previously barren land.
9. The Mountain of the Lord (Isaiah 2:2–4)
A vision of God’s holy mountain, where nations gather to learn His ways and experience peace.
Symbolizes God’s universal reign and the establishment of justice.
10. The New Heavens and New Earth (Isaiah 65:17–25; 66:22–23)
A transformative vision of God’s ultimate restoration and eternal kingdom.
Includes images of peace, joy, and harmony, with no more death or suffering.
11. The Robe of Righteousness (Isaiah 61:10)
Depicts God clothing His people in salvation and righteousness.
Represents the divine gift of redemption and purity.
12. The Lion and the Lamb (Isaiah 11:6–9)
A peaceful coexistence of predators and prey symbolizes the Messianic kingdom, where there will be harmony and the absence of fear.

Next Steps
Search this theme in Isaiah: Salvation
Read Isaiah & keep a journal.
Look for the key words: Isaiah, salvation, saved, save, or savior
Write out the verse with the key word in it.
Look for the concept which is connected to the key word & identify how it is being used.
Identify the eternal truth that is being taught.
Look for some of these verses in the New Testament especially their connection to Jesus, his people & his gospel.